Thursday, January 2, 2020

Every Need

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭4:19

I recently went for a walk and listened to the book of Philippians. I have always appreciated different aspects of this book of the Bible, but something new struck me this time. The verse above does come in the context of the apostle Paul talking about the Philippian church helping provide for his physical needs, but it also comes after him saying that he has learned to be content whether well fed or hungry, living in abundance or in want. (Philippians 4:11-12) 

So what does it mean that “my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory.” It certainly means that I don’t need to worry about how my needs will be met. This is a good reminder for someone like me who lives on support and often struggles with worry. That is the primary way I have understood this verse for many years. But as I listened to this entire book of the Bible, I was struck with a new thought. This verse says that God will supply EVERY need. Lately, the physical needs of myself and my family have been amazingly and graciously supplied by God through his people. We have vehicles to drive, food to eat, places to stay. But the thing I have the most trouble with is trusting that God will provide the emotional, relational and spiritual needs of myself and those I love. 

As I look around at how lavishly God has provided for our physical needs, I want to trust and remember that in Christ Jesus, all of these other needs can and will be met. Meditating on this entire book of God’s Word helps redirect my thinking and teaches me to trust him, not only with caring for our physical needs, but also caring for all the other aspects of need and brokenness in our lives. Our God who loves us enough to provide for our physical needs through so many of you will also refresh our souls and strengthen our hearts for the work he has called us to do. 

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