Monday, November 9, 2020

Giving Thanks in Difficult Times

Yesterday I called my parents and found that they were on the way to the emergency room. It is concerning any time loved ones need to go to the hospital. These days it seems even more complicated and distressing with COVID concerns and fewer people being allowed to enter the hospital. As I spoke with my parents, they told me about all the people with whom they had consulted to determine if they needed to go to the hospital. I was so very thankful and encouraged by the support they have. Being across the ocean from family is hard, but knowing that they have an amazing community through their church and my brothers being there has meant so much. My dad needed to have an emergency surgery that went smoothly and he is now in recovery. He is doing well and should be discharged tomorrow. 

This is a photo from when my parents came to visit us in Uganda several years back

While God did not choose to prevent this emergency, he did provide so many graces in the midst. During this month of November, I like to remind myself of  the many things for which I can give thanks. In this situation, I am thankful for my sister-in-law who was able to advise them about where best to go for medical attention. I’m thankful for other medical personnel who advised them to go to the hospital. It probably took a good amount of convincing to get my dad to the hospital. I am thankful that within one day, the hospital staff was able to diagnose and surgically resolve the issue without complications. I am thankful for the ability to call and text across the ocean. I am thankful for my mom to be able to be with friends through the day and tonight since she was not permitted to be in the hospital with my dad. I am also thankful that God has given me a loving, supportive father who gives me a little picture of God's love for me. I am thankful that God has chosen to give us more years together. I am thankful for God reminding us that we are not in control in this crazy world, but that He is. While it is challenging to walk through some of these scary days, I am thankful that God is still in control. He is teaching me to trust him in the midst of the storms. It feels like I am a pretty slow learner, but He is a patient teacher. 

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus for you." 
1 Thessalonians 5:18

While I feel called to focus on giving thanks in this circumstance, I also acknowledge that I have friends who are grieving right now. God also calls us to "weep with those who weep" (Romans 12:15) Sometimes, I am tempted to tell myself that I "should" give thanks, even when there is something to weep over. Somehow, God calls us to do both. Even Jesus wept. (John 11:35) If you are in a season of grief, please do not hear me say, "buck up." I believe that though it seems contradictory, God calls us to both weep and give thanks. Often for me, it looks like taking time to grieve and then asking God to help me see his goodness in the midst of the challenges. May our gracious Lord give us the faith to trust in him as we walk through this broken world and grieve and cling more tightly to him, giving him thanks.

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