Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What Zeke is learning in Uganda

Since Zeke turned 3 today, I thought it might be fun to reflect on the things he has been learning in his first 5 months here in Uganda. (The spiderman bike was his present and he loves it!) It is interesting to see how Zeke has adjusted here, what Ugandan sayings, habits, etc. he is picking up. This boy keeps me laughing. Here is a list:

1- Sharing- Zeke is learning to share his mom's lap. Whenever we go to play at the toddler house, I somehow end up with about 5 children in my lap. Zeke always checks in to make sure I still have room for him, but then he is usually content to run and play on the slide or swings. 

2- Potty training- Thankfully Zeke has been one of my easiest children to potty train and rarely has accidents. But apparently he has been observing that not everyone uses a toilet. A couple days ago Zeke said, "I have to go potty!" Then he proceeded to run outside, pull down his pants and pee on the grass. He is also one of the few American 2 year olds who knows how to use a "squatty potty." And when he missed the squatty potty and got his clothes wet, he learned that in Uganda it is ok for two year olds to run around without pants. Actually, that is the norm.  (No photo for this one.) 

3- Language- Zeke has begun learning some Luganda, the primary local language. The morning greeting is, "Wasusotia," and the reply is, "Bulungi." Zeke enjoys greeting people in their language, but he likes to reply, "Balloon!" He actually knows how to say it properly, but he enjoys making a joke. Of course everyone loves hearing a little mzungu speak Luganda!

4- Relationships- Zeke spends most of his mornings with Bobby, Claudia's son who is 3. These two have a lot of fun together! Bobby has been living as the only boy in Claudia's home since he was a baby. (Alex is now there too.) Zeke talks about his mommy and daddy, so Bobby has now declared that, "David is my daddy too." So Bobby and Zeke have declared themselves brothers. They are so cute together. The other day Bobby was looking for Zeke and he spotted him across campus and said, "See, there is Zeke's little white head." 

5- Rude sayings- While Zeke and Bobby where playing, Zeke said, "I'm gonna whip your butt." Claudia told Zeke that his mom would not want him to talk that way. Zeke replied, "My mama teached me to say that." (To clarify, I have never said that phrase, other than on the basketball court many years before my children were born, and I certainly did not teach it to my 2 year old. But our missionary team here is enjoying teasing me about it. I don't know where Zeke heard that phrase, but we obviously have some instruction to do.) 

6- Electricity- Since blackouts are fairly common here, anytime Zeke is in a room with the lights out he thinks it is a blackout. We are working on the distinction between when the lights are turned off and when they cannot be turned on.

7- His birthday- For those of you reading this from America, you will probably be experiencing some colder weather and the leaves are probably all brown or off the trees. Here in Uganda, the temp is in the 80s and it is sunny and green. So we are celebrating a birthday in the end of November with a pool party! One day Zeke will learn that he can't have pool parties on his birthday in America, but for today, we are going to enjoy splashing in the pool! We have invited two other three year old boys who have become Zeke's closest buddies here, Bobby and Abraham. The Lawsons also came and brought a blue cake, at Zeke's request. All three of these families joining us made our celebration so much fun! Here is a cute picture of the three year olds playing together. 

All in all, Zeke is doing very well adjusting to life here in Uganda. He is a sweet, cute, three year old. He does require some instruction and training in self-control, but I still do too. Please pray with us for God's ongoing work in Zeke's heart, that he would grow to be a man after God's heart, living with joy and love, for God's kingdom and glory! 

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