Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Heading Back

This summer in the US has been a blessing in many ways. It has given us time to make some great memories as a family. It has given us time to reconnect with our family and friends on this side of the ocean. And it has given us some time to process some of the more challenging aspects of living abroad. 

But now it is time to head back to Uganda and get back to work. School is supposed to begin next week. Since all schools in Uganda are closed due to COVID, we will again need to begin the school year with distance learning. We are working on ways to best support our students while still following the guidelines given by the government. I had hoped this juggling was behind us, but it will likely be some time before things are fully open in Uganda again. 

As we prepare to fly out this week, we have goodbyes to say, supplies to buy, containers to pack and COVID tests to get for travel. I was a little shocked when I realized how much it is going to cost our family of 7 to get the tests required to fly back. Shopping is also stressful for me due to the many decisions to make and feeling the stress of spending money. I worried about spending money before moving to Uganda, but now it is hard for me to buy something without thinking how the cost of this item compares to the cost of school fees for a child in Uganda. God has always provided more than our needs; I shouldn’t worry. But I do. 

All of this can be overwhelming in the best of circumstances. But right now I am feeling weary. My heart is heavy with many struggles. I’m trying to keep going and praying that God will give me the strength I need for each moment. But I also want to ask for your prayers for my family and me. I’m thankful that many of you love and support our family through good times and hard times. Right now feels like the latter. My biggest prayer is that my whole family will know more of the love and comfort of Christ through this challenging season. I am thankful that Jesus has said, 
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭NIV‬‬
I pray that we will all know the comfort and rest He offers in the midst of challenging seasons. Thanks for your prayers! 

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